April 18, 2022
Log Cabin Republicans of Texas supports Texas Governor Abbott’s directive to halt the administration of puberty blockers, hormone therapy treatment, and other treatments that result in irreversible physical changes, for the purpose of childhood gender modification.
The question of what constitutes proper treatment for minors experiencing gender dysphoria is a complex one that touches on very personal and sensitive issues of sex and sexuality, religious faith, family relationships, personal medical decisions, and of course, the rights of parents over the care of their own children. Sadly, the discussion of the painful condition that affects a small number of human beings, who in the past have been subject to harsh ostracization and unfair treatment, has been hijacked by a left-progressive political movement intent on using these people as pawns for the cause of social transformation, often at the expense of the real needs of persons experiencing gender dysphoria.
Much of the difficulty is due to medical science remaining unsettled on the causes and best treatment options for persons experiencing gender dysphoria, and more so on the new varieties of transgender identification spreading among the young. What we do know is that allowing children to make life-altering decisions with their bodies that often lead to sterility, sexual dysfunction, and a permanent dependence on prescribed drugs and hormones, cannot be justified on the available science. Many sober transgender adults understand this.
All youths experiencing real gender dysphoria, or any other uncertainties in their sense of self, deserve compassion and non-judgmental support, and all the available counseling and medical help available, short of irreversible medical procedures.
Log Cabin Republicans supports the rights of mature adults who are transgender to transition, should they choose to do so, as should be the right of any and all Americans to make deeply personal medical decisions that will affect their entire lives. We will always stand with them in defense of their rights, and will always welcome them to join us in our fight for the freedom and equality of all Americans.

Log Cabin Republicans of Texas
Marco A. Roberts, Chairman
Log Cabin Republicans of Texas is the only organization in Texas representing the views of gay, trans, and allied conservatives, and includes the Log Cabin Republican chapters of Austin, Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston, and San Antonio.