HB 25/SB 3 in 3rd Called Session
October 7, 2021
Yesterday, Wednesday, October 6, at the House Constitutional Rights & Remedies Committee hearing held at the Capitol in Austin, on House Bill 25 regarding schools sports and the preservation in Texas of the original intent of Title IX in federal civil rights, Marco Roberts, state chairman of Log Cabin Republicans of Texas, delivered the following statement:
“I am here representing as state chairman, the Log Cabin Republicans of Texas, the only organization in Texas representing the views of gay, trans, and allied conservatives. This is the second time our organization is testifying on this issue in support of this legislation.
“This is a sensitive and complex issue. We have posted on our website at logcabintexas.us a full-length explanation of why gay, trans, and allied conservatives in Texas support this legislation, and we will be emailing and mailing all of your offices, and to the media, a report explaining our stance, along with our initial statement on this issue released in April.
“I do want to make clear that when the media editorialize in their reporting that passing this legislation is “anti-LGBT,” they do so without hearing from any gay or trans conservatives, and not only are they wrong, but irresponsible in their reporting.
“You have heard and will continue to hear a great amount of personal testimony from individuals who have suffered in their personal lives who deserve our concern. You will hear claims about the always rising “anti-LGBT” abuse and violence, or about more suicide attempts, if this law passes. Major organizations claiming to represent ‘all LGBT’ (they don’t) make this blanket claim every time anyone says or does, or even contemplates, anything they do not ideologically approve. And, you will hear how only folks with certain grievances or characteristics should be able to opine on this law. What you will not hear from anyone in opposition is actual data from objective, detached, reputable sources. We will be following up in our communications to you where the claims are unsubstantiated at best, and outright false at worst. Some of that information is already posted at logcabintexas.us.
“As a man who grew up openly gay at a much different time, I do understand the fear and anxiety that many feel when they become aware of how different they may be from most people in ways that cause others discomfort.
“But, laws affect everyone. And while grievance and suffering must be heard an understood, our laws ultimately must be based on a foundation of objective truth and sound reasoning, and not inflamed passions and tainted data.”
Log Cabin Republicans of Texas supports HB 25 and its companion SB 3.
As stated by our state chairman, Log Cabin Republicans of Texas will in the following days, posting and distributing a series of updates to address the misleading, misstated, and in some cases clearly false information that was delivered at the hearing, and repeated by several state representatives.