Houston, Texas – May 22, 2020

The Board of the Log Cabin Republicans of Texas is happy to announce the election of its new officers for the 2020-2022 term.
The new 2020-2022 Board and officers are:
Marco A. Roberts, Chairman
Michael Cargill, Vice Chairman
Alan Goodrich, Secretary
Mike Alberts, Treasurer
Michael Baker, Board Member
Les Read, Board Member
Larry Thrash, Board Member
Lynn Carter, Board Member
On behalf of all the Texas LCR Chapters and our members, we want to acknowledge all the volunteer time and efforts that the board has accomplished over the last two years. We believe in the importance of leadership change as we continue to build our partnership with all of our Republican friends and our communities. We are proud of our new officers that have chosen to lead this organization in the hope to make Texas a better place to live for every Texan.
Log Cabin Republicans of Texas works to build a stronger, broad-based Republican Party by promoting the core values of limited government, individual liberty, personal responsibility, free markets and a strong national defense; and by advocating for the freedom and equality of all Americans, under the terms of the Constitution, regardless of sexual orientation, sexual minority status, faith, or beliefs. Log Cabin Republicans of Texas is dedicated to electing Republicans to advance and protect our shared Republican values of liberty for all.
This is an unusual time, with the usual norms of political engagement in flux due to the current health concerns. And, it is uncertain what those rules will be at this year’s state convention, or in the next two years. But what the board members of the Log Cabin Republicans of Texas do know is that the opposition to our values and our mission is not ceasing or resting, and is in fact intensifying its opposition in response to our growing strength and effectiveness. And, we also understand that that opposition comes from opposite extremes of the political spectrum, that though very different in their particular viewpoints, they share a common intolerance and hostility to the freedom of thought and expression of anyone else but their own, a freedom for all we are committed to defend.
To that end, the Log Cabin Republicans of Texas will be active and very much present at the upcoming Texas GOP state convention being held in Houston in July, and into 2021 at the state capitol in Austin. Whether facing the theocratic extreme right, or the Social Justice Warrior ‘LGBT’ left, The Log Cabin Republicans of Texas will be strong, will stand tall, and with our allies and friends across the state and within the Republican Party, will fight for the things in which we and all freedom-loving Texans believe: The liberty and equality due under our U.S. and Texas constitutions to every citizen of our great state.
We welcome your support in this mission, if you are able, as a volunteer or through donations to your home Texas chapter, or with donations to LCR Texas thru the link below.
Please look for upcoming announcements on our future direction and actions, and feel free to reach out to any of your representatives on the Board. And, please stay well.
From our outgoing chairman:
“We wish everyone well this Memorial Weekend as we all try to have a nice, safe, relaxing, and well deserved break. But more importantly, lets reflect on all our military and first responders who have lost their lives in the line of serving and protecting the citizens of this great country and on the past LCR members that started this organization and risked their lives coming out and standing tall during times that neither the left nor the right could understand our principles and beliefs. This is truly a great weekend to reflect on the ones that fought before us to make our lives better than theirs.”
-Michael Baker
The Log Cabin Republicans of Texas